Should I Pay for a Legal Consultation?

pay legal consultationHi, I’m Susan, the paralegal. I’d like to talk to you about paid versus free legal consultations. I’m the one that answers the phone most of the time, and talks to potential clients who always ask me if it’s a free consultation. Here’s how I’d like to explain it. It goes like this: You get what you pay for. We’ve all heard that expression. I would also ask, who goes to work and works for the first hour free? I never have. It’s no different with attorneys.
Think about it. If you’re getting a free consultation, ask yourself some questions. Are you meeting with an experienced attorney, or a paralegal, or a junior attorney? That’s real important. Also, are they looking at the clock? Are they able to spend a full hour with you, or is it thirty minutes?
For example, let’s say you have a symptom like a cold or the flu, and you go to the doctor. You pay for the doctor’s visit, and the doctor examines you, diagnoses you, and may even treat you. Everyone pays for that appointment, whether it’s your insurance or you actually pay for it yourself. It’s no different with attorneys.
I think that attorneys that pay for consultations are more serious about the potential client. They treat you like a real client; they’re setting aside the time for you. They’re not looking the clock; they’re willing to dive in and really look at the technical details. In our law practice, we also outline a road map, explain the procedures, talk about strategies, and really have a true working legal session that would often include an estimate of the total cost of your case.
Just think about it before you take that free consultation. Know what you’re getting. For compassionate, knowledgeable legal representation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, call our office today.