How is Alimony calculated in New Mexico Divorces?

In New Mexico alimony is based on the need of the person who receives the alimony. But before I get started, let me talk to you about the phrase that the New Mexico courts use. They use a phrase called spousal support, not alimony, but in reality it’s the same thing.
What does the court look at? The court’s going to look at the length of your marriage, whether you had a job while you were married, whether you gave up your educational opportunities to stay in the marriage. In terms of the length of the marriage, it’s important to note that a court’s not likely to give you alimony if you’re married for less than five years.
Notice I said typically, because the court’s also going to look at if you have any medical issues that may give you a disability that prevent you from working. If that’s the case, a court may actually order you or order your ex-spouse to pay you alimony. The court’s going to look at your education, your ability to work, and what your needs are, to determine what your alimony is in New Mexico.